By Ekaterina Sisfontes (Sweden, Russia, Costa Rica, Israel, and more)
Art is a monologue. Art is a dialogue. Art is a conversation.
Art is a mirror reflecting another mirror reflecting a mirror thereafter, reflecting everything and nothing.
Art is the only truth and an eternal lie.
The pursuit of art – the ultimate proof that there is some form of meaning to humanity. Everything humanity has achieved so far would be worthless without the reaction of art.
Art exists as a necessity for humanity on the same level as world peace. And at the same level, it is not self-evident for everyone.
The subjectivity of art is the only certainty. The only absolute about art is that it exists.
There is no objective description of what an artwork is, as this is a designation for a wordless form of communication, even when using words as tools and color.
Words like quality, education, and knowledge have repeatedly lost their value as art has so often been created by the uneducated and the ignorant.
Art is manipulation in its absolute form. People who take on the role of an artist should feel directly responsible for the emotions their work evokes. At the same time, the artist should not feel bound by people’s direct reactions, as the impact of real art is not time-limited but changes with every second, every hour, and every year.
Being honest with oneself is the maximum requirement for a creator, but one must be aware that even honesty is subjective and deceitful at its core.
There are no safe paths to becoming an artist, so one is often forced to take the uncertain paths